Our Calendar

Parent's Day Out follows the Poudre School District calendar.
If the school district is closed, we are also closed.

Additionally, we follow PSD's determination regarding snow days.

A late start day due to weather will cancel PDO classes as well.

Notifications of cancellations will be posted on the website and communicated through

a message sent to families through the Brightwheel app.

2024-2025 Calendar

Sept. 3: Opening day, PDO begins

Oct. 17-18: Closed as per PSD schedule

Nov. 25-29: Closed for Thanksgiving break

Dec. 23-Jan. 3: Closed for Winter Holiday

Jan. 7: PDO Resumes

Mar. 17-21: Closed for Spring Break

Apr. 18: Closed as per PSD schedule

May 16: Closed as per PSD schedule

May 23: Last day of PDO